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BENEFITS: - Nourish trees after harvest. - Improve tillering development in rice. - Speed growth rate and stimulates leaf budding. - Improve soil quality and promotes microorganisms to work efficiently. - A natural, organic product free of man-made chemicals. [sc name="sg3"]
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BIG SIZE is additional nutrition for rice and vegetables. This product is condensed cream, penetrates quickly into the stems of rice  and vegetables. BIG SIZE is very safe in use, can be used with all kinds of pesticides (insecticides). [sc name="sg3"]
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[sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Nourish trees and promote leaf budding after harvest. - Stimulate flower bud initiation, increase number of flower. - Accumulating sugar and starch in fruit. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Lower usage rate due to its high concentration. - Improve flower budding forming healthy flowers,leading to greater pollination success. - Prevent the fallen of flower and enhance fruit enlargement. - Reduce fruit cracking and prevent fruit rot by strengthening fruit surface. - Accelerate head development and leaf filling (cabbage family) and crunchiness. - Reduce fallen grain and increase strength of rice stalk. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Increase formation and translocation of starch to encourage healthy rice grain. - Improve quality of rice. - Enhance chlorophyll content in leaves to promote photosynthesis. - Increase nutrients accumulation to produce flower buds in fruit plants. - Promote color and increase sugar content in fruit. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Encourage vigorous plant growth. - Enhance chlorophyll content in leaves to promote photosynthesis. - Nourish plants after harvest and promote leaf budding. - Accelerate fruit setting and fruit sizing. - Promote leafy vegetables growth to be green and big leaves. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Promote flowering and healthy blooms. - Support root growth in early stage. - Enhance chlorophyll content in leaves to promote photosynthesis. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Develop strong stems and roots, stimulate tillering effectively. - Increase chlorophyll, promote photosynthesis, help the plants grow stronger, more blossoms, long big healthy panicle, avoid blossom drop, increase fruit set, grow fast, shiny, increase sweetness and natural flavor. - Promote the process of photosynthesis and starch accumulation in grain. - Recover yellow leaves due to nutrient depletion, degradation of roots and plant physiology. - Increase the immunity of plants against pests, diseases, meloidogyne spp., increased tolerance to drought, flooding, or other environmental disadvantages. - Shorten the time the seedling in the nursery garden, help plants grow better immediately after planting. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Enhance the formation and translocation of starch and sugar to tuber crops. - Increase yield in tuber crops by improving starch content. - Enhance chlorophyll content in leaves to promote photosynthesis. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Improve flower budding forming healthy flowers,leading to greater pollination success. - Prevent blossom drop and enhances fruit enlargement. - Reduce fruit cracking and prevents fruit rot by strengthening fruit surface. - Accelerate head development and cupping (cabbage family) and crunchiness. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - RIBO supply microorganisms at high efficiency rate, apply for various types of plants. - Stimulate immune system, increase resistant for plant, reduce the spread of fungi, decrease diseases caused by Phytopthora, Fusarium, Palmivora,... For special trees such as pepper and herbaceous. - Prepare soil before sowing and after harvest, prevent organic poisoning, help soft soils, root grows stronger, absorb nutrients effectively. - RIBO helps decompose straw in field, create nutrition for soil, save cost of investment and preparation time for new crops. - Use RIBO to compost coffee husk, straw, bagasse, garbage, cow manure, chicken manure,… to fertilize plants. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Stimulate rooting. - Tiller sharply, bud effectively. - Accelerate nutrient uptake, increase photosynthesis. - Increase resistance to diseases. - Increase economic efficiency, higher profits. [sc name="sg3"]
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BENEFITS: - Supply necessary nutrients for plant growth stages. - Fast absorption through leaves, then go inside plant cells. - Improve soil structure, increase nutrient absorption ability. - Promote growth, strong buds, blossoms, good fruit set;good pollination on rice. - Increase resistance to diseases. - Increase productivity, crop quality, increase economic efficiency. [sc name="sg3"]
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